2012~Kevin Brown's third trip from Nagasaki to Mie.
KEVIN BROWNさんは昨年の夏から年末に2度行った県庁訪問旅行に続き、8月6日から昨年未訪問の県庁への訪問旅行に再出発しました。
中日新聞 2012年8月10日(金)
2011~Kevin Brown's trip by bicycle from Kumamoto to the Supreme Court in Tokyo
You can follow my progress on the Children First Japan Facebook Page (www.facebook.com/pages/Children-First-Japan/115396388532379) or the Joint Custody in Japan Facebook Page (www.facebook.com/oyako) and you can also find more information about my trip on my blog Children First Japan (kwbrow2.wordpress.com).
朝日新聞 2011年10月7日(金)
神戸新聞 2011年9月30日(金)『人』
「面会の権利を詳細に定めない日本の法律はあまりに漠然としている。子どもと会えなくなり、それを苦に命を絶った人もいる」。支援者と交流しながら、ゴールの東京を目指す旅は10月中旬まで続く。愛知県岡崎市在住。英会話学校で講師を務める。45歳。 (黒川裕生)
The Japan Times 2011.08.30
Japan's 'silent tsunami' severs parental ties, wrecks children's lives
To the next Prime Minister,
I am the cofounder of Children First (childrenfirst.jp), an NPO that focuses on children's issues. Every three minutes another child loses all contact with one of their parents after divorce. Every seven minutes another child is a victim of school bullying. Every 12 minutes another case of child abuse is reported to protective services. Every week at least one child dies as the result of abuse.
Children First is working to overcome these issues and other problems affecting children. But we can't do it alone. We need the help of Diet members and policymakers to change things so Japan is a better place for children.
Most people are aware of bullying and abuse. These two issues make the headlines often. But a problem I and many other parents find more alarming is that every three minutes a child loses contact with one parent due to divorce.
On March 11, more than 16,000 people died; about another 5,000 are still missing. Hundreds if not thousands of children lost at least one parent on that day. Since March 11, more than 82,000 children have lost contact with one parent due to divorce.
This is a silent tragedy that is spreading like a cancer throughout Japan. It is preventing children from reaching their full potential. It is destroying families and family values. It leaves children confused about the future and it reduces their chances of having a normal life. It leaves some parents and children to deal with unimaginable grief. It is a silent tsunami that many people don't know about. The family courts and the Japanese legal system are allowing this tragedy to continue.
In 2006 the Supreme Court made a DVD titled "What Couples with Children Must Think About When They Live Apart." Surprisingly, the family courts don't show this video to parents. Quite the opposite: They hide the existence of this DVD and family court judges make rulings that go directly against the message contained in the DVD — that children need both parents to be happy. Some family court lawyers are unaware that this video exists.
Now, the average parent gets four hours of visitation per month with his/her child. This is hardly enough time to form a bond or make a difference in a child's life. Some parents use parental alienation to destroy the relationship the child once had with the noncustodial parent.
According to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), children are entitled to have a relationship with both parents. If for some reason the parent and child are separated, the state (Japan) must re-establish contact with the left-behind parent. Of course, this never happens. So, the family court has failed twice. They don't follow the advice of the Supreme Court DVD and they ignore the UNCRC, which is equivalent to a law.
I think it is time to review the rulings of judges throughout Japan and get rid of the ones who make bad rulings. I have been told by lawyers that judges sometimes don't even look at the case files and are unprepared for what takes place in court. Bad judges need to be removed from the bench.
Mr. Prime Minister, I am asking you to take the necessary steps to remove bad judges as well as pass laws that guarantee children will have a long and meaningful relationship with both parents. Furthermore, I would also like you to pass laws that do a better job of protecting children from abuse and bullying, as well as implement better policies for reporting abuse and bullying. Teachers and bureaucrats are the key to eliminating abuse and bullying. I hope you give them the necessary tools to make a difference.
Currently, I have an active court case but that should soon change. On Sept. 13, the judge will make a ruling on my case regarding divorce and custody. If history is any indication, there is a 100-percent chance that I will lose. I plan to ride my bicycle from Kumamoto, where my court case is, to the Supreme Court in Tokyo. I will demand that family law be changed. I will stop at prefectural offices along the way and garner support from governors. I have taken eight weeks off of work for this cause. You can follow my progress on the Children First Japan Facebook Page (www.facebook.com/pages/Children-First-Japan/115396388532379) or the Joint Custody in Japan Facebook Page (www.facebook.com/oyako) and you can also find more information about my trip on my blog Children First Japan (kwbrow2.wordpress.com).
私は、子どもたちの問題に焦点をあてたNPO「Children First(childrenfirst.jp)」の共同設立者です。
Children Firstは、子ども達に関するこれらの問題や他の問題も解決するために活動しています。しかし、私達は一人では活動できません。子ども達にとって日本がより良い国になるためには、国会議員や政策担当者の支援が必要なのです。
現在、私は裁判を行っていますが、その判決はすぐに変わるべきです。裁判官は、9月13日に、離婚と親権に関する判決を出すでしょう。前例通りならば、私は100%負けるでしょう。私は、私の管轄裁判所のある熊本から東京の最高裁判所まで自転車で行く計画をしています。私は家族法が変えられるべきだと要求するつもりです。私は途中で、県庁に寄って知事の支援を得るつもりです。私はこのために8週間の休暇を取りました。計画の進行状況は「Children First」の日本のフェイスブック(http://www.facebook.com/pages/Children-First-Japan/115396388532379)や、JCIJ(the Joint Custody in Japan)のフェイスブック(http://www.facebook.com/oyako)で、見ることができます。また、私の旅行についての詳しい情報は「Children First Japan」の私のブログ(http://kwbrow2.wordpress.com)で見ることができます。
更新 2012-08-11 (土) 12:16:16
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